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Chapter 11
Block Transfer Routines
222 Fastgraph User's Guide
The Fastgraph routines described in this chapter transfer rectangular
blocks between areas of video memory (such routines are sometimes called Blit
or BitBlt routines in other literature). Block transfers are useful in many
graphics applications, but they are especially important in animation.
Fastgraph provides several types of block transfer routines, each optimized
for its specific function. This chapter will discuss these routines in
detail. The information presented here, combined with the video page and
image management techniques described in the previous three chapters, will
provide the tools we need for the animation techniques presented in the next
Full Page Transfer
Fastgraph's simplest block transfer routine is fg_copypage, which we
introduced in Chapter 8. The fg_copypage routine transfers the entire
contents of one video page to another. The first argument is the number of
the source video page, and the second argument is the number of the
destination video page. The pages may be physical, virtual, or logical video
pages. If both the source and destination pages are logical pages, the pages
must exist in the same type of memory. For example, you cannot copy a
logical page in extended memory to a logical page in conventional memory.
Example 11-1 illustrates the use of the fg_copypage routine in a 320 by
200 color graphics mode. The program displays the word "test" in the middle
of the visual page (page 0) and then uses fg_allocate to create a virtual
video page (page 1). The virtual page is needed in case the program is
running in a video mode with only one physical page. Next, the program uses
fg_copypage to transfer the visual page contents to page 1. After waiting
for a keystroke, the program erases the visual page, waits for another
keystroke, and copies the contents of page 1 back to the visual page. It
then releases the virtual page and exits.
Example 11-1.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int new_mode, old_mode;
new_mode = fg_bestmode(320,200,2);
if (new_mode < 0 || new_mode == 12) {
printf("This program requires a 320 ");
printf("x 200 color graphics mode.\n");
old_mode = fg_getmode();
Chapter 11: Block Transfer Routines 223
Byte Boundaries
Video memory, like standard random-access memory, is divided into units
called bytes. In text modes, each byte holds either a character or an
attribute. In graphics modes, each byte of video memory holds one or more
horizontally contiguous pixels. If two adjacent horizontal pixels are stored
in different bytes, then we say a byte boundary exists between the two
The number of pixels per byte depends on the video mode being used, so
the location of the byte boundaries also depends on the video mode. That is,
a byte boundary in a CGA graphics mode is not necessarily a byte boundary in
a VGA graphics mode. The following table summarizes the number of pixels per
byte of video memory and the byte boundary sequences for each supported
graphics video mode. Note that any horizontal coordinate whose value is a
multiple of 8 is always a byte boundary, regardless of the video mode.
mode pixels horizontal coordinates
number per byte of byte boundaries
4 4 0, 4, 8, 12, ... , 316
5 4 0, 4, 8, 12, ... , 316
6 8 0, 8, 16, 24, ... , 632
9 2 0, 2, 4, 6, ... , 318
11 8 0, 8, 16, 24, ... , 712
12 4 0, 4, 8, 12, ... , 316
13 8 0, 8, 16, 24, ... , 312
14 8 0, 8, 16, 24, ... , 632
15 8 0, 8, 16, 24, ... , 632
16 8 0, 8, 16, 24, ... , 632
17 8 0, 8, 16, 24, ... , 632
18 8 0, 8, 16, 24, ... , 632
19 1 0, 1, 2, 3, ... , 319
20 1 0, 4, 8, 12, ... , 316
21 1 0, 4, 8, 12, ... , 316
22 1 0, 4, 8, 12, ... , 316
224 Fastgraph User's Guide
23 1 0, 4, 8, 12, ... , 316
24 1 0, 1, 2, 3, ... , 639
25 1 0, 1, 2, 3, ... , 639
26 1 0, 1, 2, 3, ... , 799
27 1 0, 1, 2, 3, ... , 1023
28 8 0, 8, 16, 24, ... , 792
29 8 0, 8, 16, 24, ... , 1016
Block transfer routines are often used in animation sequences requiring
high-performance graphics, so these routines must be as efficient as
possible. To this end, Fastgraph will force their horizontal pixel
coordinates to byte boundaries, which eliminates the need to process any
pixels individually. Fastgraph accomplishes this by reducing minimum
horizontal coordinates to a byte boundary and extending maximum horizontal
coordinates to the last pixel in a video memory byte. Note that since we are
talking about pixel coordinates and not character cells, the coordinate
modification only occurs in graphics video modes. Designing an application
so that block transfers occur on byte boundaries might take additional
planning, but it will be time well spent.
An example might best help explain this important feature. In the
EGA/VGA/SVGA 16-color graphics modes (modes 13 to 18, 28, and 29), byte
boundaries occur at every eighth pixel. Thus, when you use the block
transfer routines in these modes, Fastgraph reduces minimum x coordinates to
the next lower multiple of eight. Similarly, it extends their maximum x
coordinates to the next higher multiple of eight, less one pixel. That is,
if a minimum x coordinate is 10 and a maximum x coordinate is 30, Fastgraph
will modify these values to 8 and 31 respectively. If the x coordinates were
originally 8 and 31, Fastgraph would leave them unchanged.
In the MCGA and SVGA 256-color graphics modes (modes 19 and 24 to 27)
each pixel occupies a separate byte of video memory, so Fastgraph does not
need to modify horizontal coordinates. However, in the XVGA graphics modes
(modes 20 to 23), some coordinate modification might be needed. The XVGA
modes store four pixels at each video memory address, one in each of four bit
planes. The bit plane number for a pixel whose horizontal coordinate is x is
given by the quantity x mod 4. In XVGA modes, the source and destination
minimum x coordinates must reference pixels in the same bit plane. Put
another way, the relation
xmin_source mod 4 = xmin_destination mod 4
must be true. If it isn't, Fastgraph reduces the destination minimum x value
to the same bit plane as the source minimum x value.
Dual SVGA Banks
Accessing video memory in SVGA graphics modes is controlled through a
banking scheme that maps contiguous 64KB blocks of video memory into a
segmented address space. In other words, referencing a specific byte in
video memory requires a bank number and an address within that bank. Some
SVGA chipsets provide separate read and write bank registers, while others
perform both operations through the same bank register.
If a chipset supports separate read and write banks, Fastgraph's block
transfer routines can copy the source region directly to the destination
Chapter 11: Block Transfer Routines 225
region. However, chipsets that employ a single bank register require that
these routines copy the source region to an intermediate buffer and then copy
the buffer contents to the destination. This obviously makes a block
transfer operation slower on single-bank chipsets.
The "Hidden" Video Page
Some of Fastgraph's block transfer routines reference a video page
called the hidden page. The Fastgraph routine fg_sethpage defines which
video page will be used as the hidden page. This routine takes as its only
argument an integer value specifying the hidden page number. If you are
using a virtual video page for the hidden page, you must call the fg_sethpage
routine after allocating that page. There is also a routine named
fg_gethpage that returns the hidden page number, as specified in the most
recent call to fg_sethpage, as its function value. The fg_gethpage routine
takes no arguments.
Saving and Restoring Blocks
The next two block transfer routines we'll discuss are fg_save and
fg_restore. The fg_save routine transfers a rectangular region from the
active video page (as defined in the most recent call to fg_setpage) to the
same position on the hidden video page (as defined in the most recent call to
fg_sethpage). The fg_restore routine performs the complementary task -- it
transfers a rectangular region from the hidden page to the active page. Each
of these routines requires four arguments that define the coordinates of the
block to transfer, in the order minimum x, maximum x, minimum y, and maximum
y. In text modes, the coordinates are expressed as character space
quantities (rows and columns). In graphics modes, they are expressed as
screen space values (pixels), with the x coordinates extended to byte
boundaries if required. There are also world space versions of these
routines named fg_savew and fg_restorew available in graphics modes.
Example 11-2 demonstrates the use of Fastgraph's fg_save, fg_restore,
and fg_sethpage routines in an 80-column text video mode. After establishing
the video mode (note the calls to fg_testmode specify that two video pages
are needed), the program fills the screen with text and then waits for a
keystroke. Following this, the program displays a small pop-up window
prompting for another keystroke. After waiting for the second keystroke, the
program erases the pop-up window by restoring the original screen contents,
and then waits for yet another keystroke before returning to DOS. We'll
present the program now, and afterward analyze it in detail.
Example 11-2.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int row;
int old_mode;
char string[17];
226 Fastgraph User's Guide
old_mode = fg_getmode();
if (fg_testmode(3,2))
else if (fg_testmode(7,2))
else {
printf("This program requires\n");
printf("an 80-column display.\n");
for (row = 0; row < 25; row++) {
sprintf(string," This is row %2d ",row);
fg_text("Press any key.",14);
Example 11-2 first establishes the video mode and uses the fg_cursor
routine to make the BIOS cursor invisible. It then executes a for loop that
fills each row of the screen with the phrase "This is row n", where n is the
row number (between 0 and 24). Next, the program uses the fg_allocate
routine to create video page 1 as a virtual video page. This is needed in
case the program is running in mode 7, which has only one true page (if the
program is running in mode 3, the call to fg_allocate has no effect). The
program then makes page 1 the hidden page by calling the fg_sethpage routine.
After setting up the hidden video page, but before displaying the pop-up
window, example 11-2 uses the fg_save routine to save the current contents of
Chapter 11: Block Transfer Routines 227
the area that the pop-up window will replace. The fg_save routine copies
this region to the hidden page. The program then displays the pop-up window
in the middle of the screen and leaves it there until a key is pressed.
Following this, the program uses the fg_restore routine to replace the pop-up
window with the original contents of that region. This effectively erases
the pop-up window and restores the original screen. The program then waits
for another keystroke, after which it releases the virtual page and returns
to DOS.
The next example, 11-3, is similar to example 11-2, but it runs in a 320
by 200 color graphics mode instead of a text mode. The main differences
between this program and example 11-2 are the use of 40-column text and the
use of screen space coordinates instead of character space coordinates in the
calls to fg_save, fg_restore, and fg_rect. Note that the call to fg_allocate
creates a virtual page if the program is running in modes 4, 9, or 19. In
modes 13 and 20, which respectively have four and eight physical pages,
fg_allocate does nothing.
Example 11-3.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int row;
int new_mode, old_mode;
char string[21];
new_mode = fg_bestmode(320,200,2);
if (new_mode < 0 || new_mode == 12) {
printf("This program requires a 320 ");
printf("x 200 color graphics mode.\n");
old_mode = fg_getmode();
for (row = 0; row < 25; row++) {
sprintf(string," This is row %2d ",row);
228 Fastgraph User's Guide
fg_text("Press any key.",14);
A More General Block Transfer Routine
The fg_save and fg_restore routines each copy a rectangular region from
one video page to the same position on another video page. What if you need
to copy the region to a different position on another video page, or copy it
elsewhere on the same video page? Fastgraph provides a more general block
transfer routine named fg_transfer. The fg_transfer routine copies a
rectangular region on any video page to any position on any video page. Like
fg_save and fg_restore, the fg_transfer routine works in text and graphics
video modes. In graphics modes, fg_transfer extends its x coordinates to
byte boundaries if necessary.
The fg_transfer routine requires eight integer arguments. The first
four arguments define the region to copy, in the same order as expected by
fg_save and fg_restore. The next two arguments define the lower left corner
of the block destination, while the final two arguments respectively specify
the source and destination video page numbers. In short, fg_transfer copies
the specified region from the source page to the specified position on the
destination page.
Example 11-4 is the same as example 11-2, but it uses fg_transfer rather
than fg_save and fg_restore. We have arbitrarily chosen to copy the region
overwritten by the pop-up window to the lower left corner of the hidden page
(page 1). When we copy this region back to the visual page, we copy from the
lower left corner of the hidden page back to the original position on the
visual page (page 0). This sequence is shown in the following diagram.
(11,32) (11,47) (22,0) (22,15)
first call
This is row 11 ------------> This is row 11
This is row 12 This is row 12
This is row 13 <------------ This is row 13
second call
(13,32) (13,47) (24,0) (24,15)
visual page (0) hidden page (1)
To copy one region to a new position and then back to its original position,
note how we make the fifth and sixth arguments in the first call to
fg_transfer the same values as the first and fourth arguments in the second
call. Similarly, the fifth and sixth arguments in the second call must be
Chapter 11: Block Transfer Routines 229
the same as the first and fourth arguments in the first call. With all that
out of the way, here is example 11-4.
Example 11-4.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int row;
int old_mode;
char string[17];
old_mode = fg_getmode();
if (fg_testmode(3,2))
else if (fg_testmode(7,2))
else {
printf("This program requires\n");
printf("an 80-column display.\n");
for (row = 0; row < 25; row++) {
sprintf(string," This is row %2d ",row);
fg_text("Press any key.",14);
230 Fastgraph User's Guide
Example 11-5 illustrates another use of the fg_transfer routine. This
example is functionally identical to example 10-10, but it uses fg_transfer
instead of fg_getmap and fg_drawmap. With the fg_transfer routine, we
eliminate the calls to fg_getmap and fg_drawmap, the two calls to fg_move,
and the 32-byte array needed to retrieve the block. As an added bonus, using
fg_transfer is much faster than the technique of example 10-10, although we
probably won't notice this gain with such a small block.
The block copied in example 11-5 is one row of four characters, so its
width in screen space is 32 pixels and its height is 8 pixels. Because the
block is in the upper left corner of the screen, the block boundaries are
xmin=0, xmax=31, ymin=0, and ymax=7. We want to move the block one-half
character cell (4 pixels) to the right and one row (8 pixels) down, so our
destination coordinates are x=4 (xmin+4) and y=15 (ymax+8). Note how the
program restricts itself to modes 19 and 20 to insure the block copy is not
affected by byte boundaries. Also, we are copying the block from one
position to another on the visual page, so both the source and destination
pages are 0.
Example 11-5.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode, new_mode;
new_mode = fg_bestmode(320,200,1);
if (new_mode < 19) {
printf("This program requires a ");
printf("256-color graphics mode.\n");
old_mode = fg_getmode();
Example 11-6 shows yet another application of the fg_transfer routine in
a graphics video mode. The program displays a rectangle in the upper left
Chapter 11: Block Transfer Routines 231
quadrant of the screen and then centers the word "quadrant" inside the
rectangle. After waiting for a keystroke, the program uses fg_transfer to
first copy the upper left quadrant to the upper right quadrant. It then uses
fg_transfer again to copy the upper half of the screen to the lower half.
The result of this is the screen being filled with what was originally in the
upper left quadrant.
Example 11-6.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int new_mode, old_mode;
new_mode = fg_bestmode(320,200,1);
if (new_mode < 0 || new_mode == 12) {
printf("This program requires a 320 ");
printf("x 200 color graphics mode.\n");
old_mode = fg_getmode();
fg_transfer(0,159,0,99,160, 99,0,0);
fg_transfer(0,319,0,99, 0,199,0,0);
Blocks with Transparent Colors
The final routines pertaining to block transfer are fg_tcxfer,
fg_tcmask, and fg_tcdefine. The fg_tcxfer routine is similar to fg_transfer
in that it copies a rectangular region from one position to another, but
fg_tcxfer allows you to treat one or more colors as transparent (the name
fg_tcxfer stands for transparent color transfer). In other words, any pixel
whose color value is defined to be transparent is not copied to the
destination area. The fg_tcxfer routine's arguments are the same as for the
fg_transfer routine, but fg_tcxfer has no effect in text video modes.
Because fg_tcxfer must examine the color of individual pixels, it is not
nearly as fast as fg_transfer.
232 Fastgraph User's Guide
You can use either fg_tcmask or fg_tcdefine to define which colors are
considered transparent in subsequent calls to fg_tcxfer. The fg_tcmask
routine's argument is an integer bit mask (specifically, a 16-bit mask) where
each bit indicates whether or not the color is transparent. For example, if
bit 0 (the rightmost bit) is set in the mask, then color 0 will be
transparent; if bit 0 is reset, color 0 will not be transparent. Because the
bit mask size is 16 bits, only the first 16 color values may be defined as
transparent using fg_tcmask.
Example 11-7 illustrates the use of the fg_tcxfer and fg_tcmask
routines. This program is similar to example 11-6, except the color of the
word "quadrant" (color 9) is defined to be transparent, and fg_tcxfer is used
in place of fg_transfer. Because color 9 maps to color 1 in the CGA four-
color graphics mode (mode 4), we must define both colors 1 and 9 to be
transparent (remember, fg_tcmask considers actual color values transparent,
not color indices). The bit mask passed to fg_tcmask thus will be 0000 0010
0000 0010 binary, or 0202 hex. This causes the word "quadrant" to appear in
the background color (color 0) instead of color 9 in the upper right, lower
left, and lower right quadrants.
Example 11-7.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int new_mode, old_mode;
new_mode = fg_bestmode(320,200,1);
if (new_mode < 0 || new_mode == 12) {
printf("This program requires a 320 ");
printf("x 200 color graphics mode.\n");
old_mode = fg_getmode();
fg_tcxfer(0,159,0,99,160, 99,0,0);
fg_tcxfer(0,319,0,99, 0,199,0,0);
Chapter 11: Block Transfer Routines 233
The fg_tcdefine routine expects two integer arguments -- one defining
the color number (between 0 and 255) and another defining the transparency
state associated with that color. If the state is zero, the specified color
will be opaque (non-transparent). If it is any other value, the color will
be transparent. In the previous example, we could use fg_tcdefine instead of
fg_tcmask to make colors 1 and 9 transparent by replacing the call to
fg_tcmask with the following:
If you don't call fg_tcmask or fg_tcdefine, the fg_tcxfer routine considers
no colors transparent.
Transferring Blocks to and from Conventional Memory
The final two block transfer routines we'll discuss are fg_getblock and
fg_putblock. The fg_getblock routine transfers a rectangular region from the
active video page to a buffer (you can use fg_imagesiz to determine the
buffer size needed to store the block). The fg_putblock routine transfers a
block previously retrieved with fg_getblock to the active page. While these
two routines are faster than fg_getimage and fg_putimage, they are not as
fast as fg_restore, fg_save, and fg_transfer.
Each of these routines requires five arguments. The first is the
address of the buffer that will receive or that contains the block. The
remaining four arguments define the position of the block on the active page,
in the order minimum x, maximum x, minimum y, and maximum y. In text modes,
the coordinates are expressed as character space quantities (rows and
columns). In graphics modes, they are expressed as screen space values
(pixels), with the x coordinates extended to byte boundaries if required.
Note that both fg_getblock and fg_putblock expect the buffer address to
be passed by far reference except in QuickBASIC. This means Pascal programs
must use the GetMem procedure to allocate storage for the buffer, as this is
the only way to pass something by far reference in Pascal. Regardless of
which compiler you're using, the maximum size of a block is 64K bytes.
Example 11-8 is similar to example 11-5 and shows fg_getblock and
fg_putblock in action in a 320 by 200 graphics mode. The program displays
the word "text" and retrieves it into a 32 by 8 pixel block. After a
keystroke, it displays the block 8 pixels below and 8 pixels to the right of
its original position. The size of the buffer was chosen to be 256 bytes to
accommodate the largest size required for a 32 by 8 block (which occurs in
the 256-color graphics modes). Note also how the source and destination
horizontal block extremes were chosen for byte boundary alignment in case
fg_bestmode selected a 16-color graphics mode.
Example 11-8.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
234 Fastgraph User's Guide
char far buffer[256];
void main()
int old_mode, new_mode;
new_mode = fg_bestmode(320,200,1);
if (new_mode < 0 || new_mode == 12) {
printf("This program requires a 320 ");
printf("x 200 color graphics mode.\n");
old_mode = fg_getmode();
Summary of Block Transfer Routines
This section summarizes the functional descriptions of the Fastgraph
routines presented in this chapter. More detailed information about these
routines, including their arguments and return values, may be found in the
Fastgraph Reference Manual.
For all block transfer routines, Fastgraph extends the horizontal pixel
coordinates to a byte boundary when the routines are used in a graphics video
FG_COPYPAGE transfers the contents of one video page to another. The
pages may be physical, virtual, or logical video pages. If both pages are
logical pages, they must exist in the same type of memory.
FG_GETBLOCK retrieves the block (for later display with fg_putblock) at
the specified position on the active video page. In text modes, the block
extremes are defined in character space; in graphics modes, they are defined
in screen space.
FG_GETHPAGE returns the hidden page number, as defined in the most
recent call to fg_sethpage.
FG_PUTBLOCK displays the block (previously obtained with fg_getblock) at
the specified position on the active video page. In text modes, the block
Chapter 11: Block Transfer Routines 235
extremes are defined in character space; in graphics modes, they are defined
in screen space.
FG_RESTORE copies a block from the hidden video page to the same
position on the active video page.
FG_RESTOREW is the same as fg_restore, but the block extremes are
specified as world space coordinates.
FG_SAVE copies a block from the active video page to the same position
on the hidden video page.
FG_SAVEW is the same as fg_save, but the block extremes are specified as
world space coordinates.
FG_SETHPAGE defines the hidden video page (used by fg_restore,
fg_restorew, fg_save, and fg_savew).
FG_TCDEFINE defines the transparent attribute of a color index for use
with the fg_tcxfer routine. This routine has no effect when used in a text
video mode.
FG_TCMASK defines which of the first 16 colors the fg_tcxfer routine
will consider transparent. This routine has no effect when used in a text
video mode.
FG_TCXFER copies a block from any position on any video page to any
position on any video page, excluding any pixels whose color value is
transparent. This routine has no effect when used in a text video mode.
FG_TRANSFER copies a block from any position on any video page to any
position on any video page. It is Fastgraph's most general block transfer
236 Fastgraph User's Guide